
Of making many diapers there is no end

I am proud to report that most the things I have started are going well!!! The tomatoes and peppers are finally blooming, so we may just have some fruit before the year's out after all!

The only time I've used to dryer this week was to finish off Barry's comforter (he sort of prefers a dry blanket to sleep with) and to fluff/delint the clothes on the cool cycle.
The AC has set happily at 80 and it seems like diapers are always hangin' on the line. I think I will have to put up another clothesline for days like today when I'm trying to do lots of laundry and it's humid outside.

Brookelynn has been enjoying sitting on her potty chair, but that's mostly all she does. She did poop in it again today, after quite a few false gas trips! No pee yet, we will attack that one once we figure out #2...those diapers are waaay worse ;-)

Now for some pictures-

Barry attacking the backyard...it's hard to see, but there were definitely parts that were past my waist and possibly past Barry's as well. Thanks to a push-weedeater, the Savannah has been tamed.

So BJ got married. He showed up, even if he was quite late. The wedding went well, and they had a great honeymoon. Made all the flights, didn't fall off the boat, way to go kiddo! This is my new sister (by-law) Jennie right before the wedding. They got married on a ball field, actually the one BJ played on through high school in Claremore. The gals got ready in the new locker room. We were actually the first 'team' to use it!
This is how I did my hair, kind of an experiment. Long hair is a blessing and a curse you see... theoretically you can 'do so much' with it, but I never know what 'so much' is exactly. It is a lot more raggity here than it was to start with....it was a long night!
They made ball team shirts for everyone in the wedding, even Brookelynn got a mini T.
While they were off cruising, I got to watch Sasha during the day. She had a great time with Brookelynn and taught her lots of cool tricks, like throwing her toys on the ground and hair grabbing =)

In other news, mom has been working on a new company to sell e-cigarettes made by Janty. They have come up with a new way of making the electronics that really seem to mimick the smoking experience without all the bad chemicals and tar in a traditional cigarette. Here is mom 'smoking' at Village Inn in Tulsa. That is really a vapor, not smoke at all! They have inserts for flavors or nicotine. Let me know if you're interested in tryin this out, I will hook you up with her.

That's it for now, Brookelynn is throwing a big fit. Poor girl =(


It's not easy being green

Or cheap, as the case may be.

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, blah blah blah. I have decided to make some small gestures to God's green creation, the environment, mother Earth, whatever you want to call it. Really, it's more about the pocketbook than anything. I am not too hip on $200 electric bills.

Things I am doing already-
*Breastfeeding the child
*Started a (very) small garden. We're talking tomatoes and peppers. Hey, it's a start!
*Recycling at least the pop cans (lame I know)
*Cook most things from scratch (less packaging waste and processing)
*Buying most things used if I can (hellooooo craigslist)
*Cleaning with Vinegar, Lemon juice, and Baking soda when I can

Things I have recently started-

*Cloth diapering (and wipering). It didn't work the first time, but now I have better diapers and she fits them better.
*Elimination Communication. She has pooped once in the potty chair! We've only been trying for three days now, hopefully this will work.
*Line drying (when I leave myself time)
*Turning the AC up (I keep it around 77 regularly, but it can always be higher) or even off on the cooler days like today when I can open the windows.

Things I hope to do in the future-
*BIG garden
*Homemade detergent and household cleansers

Well, there you have it! We shall see how long this lasts =)

In other news, Brookelynn is still wonderful, fantastic, amazing, choose your favorite happy adjective....but she is sick =(

A little fever, a little cough, a lot of fussyness!

Doesn't look like infection though, lets hope it's just teething!!!


Larry Ketcher

Larry is a dear family friend of mine that has been hospitalized with heart trouble this week. He went into surgery tonight and is now in recovery. Praise the Lord!!! Many people have been lifting him and his wonderful wife up in prayer over the past few days, lets continue to do so as he makes a full and speedy recovery!


Good boy

Have you ever heard that a dog "knows" when an earthquake is about to hit?
Have you ever heard that a dog can "sense" when a tornado is stirring up, even 20 miles away?
Do you remember hearing that before the December tsunami struck Southeast Asia, dogs started running frantically away from the seashore, at breakneck speed?

Do you know that dogs can detect cancer and other serious illnesses and danger of fire?
Somehow they always know when they can 'go for a ride' before you even ask and how do those dogs and cats get home from hundreds of miles away?
I'm a firm believer that animals - and especially dogs - have keen insights into the Truth. And you can't tell me that dogs can't sense a potentially terrible disaster well in advance

Simply said, a dog just KNOWS when something isn't right ...
when impending doom is upon us ...
they'll always try to warn us.... !!